He had successful chemotherapy that helped for a while but it just didn't help any longer. He was a lifelong lover of the Sierra and of all mountains. But the Sierra were his special love.

It's just a different way of looking at things, ... It's a learning curve. It's just a matter of getting everybody to go along with this new timeline.

Heat is anybody's guess, ... We don't know what it will be tomorrow. But we will be talking to Open Flow (the district's natural gas supplier) to try to get a prediction.

The first couple of days, just kind of hoping that they're going to find her, and then you go through.. it was about 2 weeks. Your life is just a fog.. I was looking into my life. I wasn't really living it.

They may not be getting as many supplies.

I believe they never really let it drop. At the time that my husband went to the commission meeting they told him that they appreciated him coming and thanked him for bringing the petition, but said the annexation would continue to move forward for the good of the citizens of Spring Hill.

We are entering teacher negotiations here, so I will have to go to the board to find out what to put in for salaries.