Without having a vote, we've sent a message of support of Israel, just by introducing it and the attention it got.

The White House has asked, ... and so we're going to do that.

What's so effective is the messengers. The returning veterans are talking about what they saw in Iraq. The family members are talking about their loved ones.

We have no desire to have a political outcome. We do have a big desire to give greater voice to returning veterans in the debate over the war on terror.

Most of our Republican incumbents are talking about prescription drugs and Social Security.

You can safely predict, with more accuracy than any TV weatherman, that the first blizzard of the year will be the blizzard of gas price legislation introduced this September when Congress comes back to town.

He is very good at keeping people as part of his extended family. It gives him additional reach and additional eyes and ears.

When the president's agenda didn't have full support by Republicans in the House, he made sure it gets done and passes. He got everything from the president's tax relief to Bush's money for AIDS initiative in Africa. For DeLay, success begot success. Once he was able to deliver on a few big things early on in the Republican majority, it built upon itself.

There are certainly a lot of people in the government-relations world -- public relations -- who are close to Tom DeLay and who are able to look out for him, be eyes and ears, that are just not the people on Capitol Hill.