We haven't figured out a way to get sensors that can discriminate between decoys and warheads. The technology doesn't exist yet.

We are pleased and excited by the enthusiastic response to the Poetry on Stage series. These lively productions have helped further the Foundation's goal to bring the best poetry before an ever-wider audience.

This early work is very encouraging, and we need to move forward with more research in animal models, and we need to move ahead with planning human studies.

I am sure to rediscover the dynamism and optimism of the Taiwanese people, which has made this one of the most vibrant places in the Asia-Pacific region.

It ended up to be thus far, and hopefully will continue to be, a bloodless transition.

I'm very proud of him. I cried a little after he won his medal, and it was very emotional.

What's attractive about it is the drugs are incredibly safe.

You're building a system that has such a small chance of success against a simple target, and the enemy is likely to use a complex target -- why even start with the defense at all?

This is a true victory for a more rational nuclear policy. The proposed weapon, more than 70 times the size of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima, would have caused unparalleled collateral damage.