Nichols heard that he was a suspect, he got scared and he did what a lot of stupid criminals do -- he tried to talk his way out of it.

They met and she had a deeper voice than he did. So he started looking for an Adam's apple.

We tried to deny her. We tried to double her. ...You have to expend so much energy guarding her, it creates opportunities for other people.

Congress may have done a poor job when it revised these statutes. There have already been some problems with it.

He doesn't look the part of a terrorist.

This is a side of McVeigh we haven't seen before and the jury needs to know about before making a decision.

Take it all together and it certainly seems like circumstantial evidence linking Nichols to the robbery, if in fact a robbery occurred.

There are some people who get literally sick after 15 minutes.

I've had a tremendous experience with the girls' lacrosse program at Mount Hebron and got to be around so many great players and coaches, ... It was a tough decision for me, but I felt that I needed to spend time coaching my two kids so I won't look back and say that I missed this part of their lives.