I don't think anybody has a better two-strike approach than Michael Young. Great kid, great student of the game. He doesn't miss time in the cage or the video room. All that has enabled him to be in the position he's in today.

It's nothing major. You don't jump into a guy and try to change his whole approach. We're just trying to get him back to the things that made him so successful in the past.

I'm glad they found it. We'll get it done and move on. It really doesn't scare me.

He's in a zone. He believes in himself and he's swinging at good pitches.

Some things happen, and this will make me mentally stronger. I've always had a lot of faith in God and am a positive person. This will make me appreciate each day even more. Baseball is my passion, and I want to get back to these kids as soon as I can.

It's about staying inside the ball and that's what Rod has been doing. He's thinking a little more left-center rather than down the line. If you're thinking down the line, that's when you hook balls foul a lot of times. He's in a good position and seeing the ball well. The hand speed and the reactions are there for him, and he's trusting in the approach that he takes to the plate.

I wanted to get it out of the way because there are a lot of important things we [coaches and players] need to do.

The balls he hits to right are on a line, too. He's not just slicing the ball out there. That just shows you how well he trusts his mechanics.