Rowland Hill
FameRank: 4

"Sir Rowland Hill" Order of the Bath/KCB, Fellow of the Royal Society/FRS was an English teacher, inventor and reform movement/social reformer. He campaigned for a comprehensive reform of the Mail/postal system, based on the concept of Uniform Penny Post and his solution of prepayment, facilitating the safe, speedy and cheap transfer of letters. Hill later served as a government postal official, and he is usually credited with originating the basic concepts of the modern postal service, including the invention of the postage stamp.

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He did not see any reason why the devil should have all the good tunes.

Why should the devil have all the good tunes?

We went to court about this and won. But that's not the point. They wanted to see the bits of paper that document what we demand of our suppliers {in the way of ethical treatment of their own employees} and we didn't have them.