To be a good boss, you have to prepare yourself to be accountable for the things you do and say, that's a big responsibility.

We've always said from the beginning that we're not going to be doing this hype thing of running around, talking about our numbers every month and say everything's fine. [But] we are not losing market share.

I used to come here in the '80s. I think the last movie I saw here was 'Crocodile Dundee.' I always had a good time whenever I came here.

If you're guided by a spirit of transparency, it forces you to operate with a spirit of ethics. Success comes from simplifying complex issues, address problems head on, be truthful and transparent. If you open yourself up to scrutiny, it forces you to a higher standard. I believe you should deliver on your promise. Promise responsibly.

Once you've figured out where you want to go, what's your plan, focus on the minimum worst outcome. Turn inwards and focus on whether you can deliver.

I invite competition. I enjoy a good competitive encounter. I enjoy the challenge and watching it unfold. I dig deeper and I challenge our people to dig deeper. I pay attention to when my people need support and coaching. I was always competitive. I'm not competitive about sports, but I'm competitive intellectually. My competition is me, I always try to be better.

I don't think they changed anything.

You don't have to wear a tie, you just have to dress responsibly.

We need to completely shed ourselves of the monopoly culture. It's very difficult for some to accept. We need to get our employees to operate as entrepreneurs within their own space.