It should be clear that the burden of coming forward with adequate restructure proposals should be on the sponsors of the merger.

Many posted privacy statements are hard to locate, read, and understand, ... Further, other aspects of what have come to be known as fair information practices, like the requirement that online participants have a reasonable opportunity to see what information has been collected about them and to correct errors that creep into a database, have barely been addressed.

This order is intended to ensure that this new medium, characterized by openness, diversity and freedom, will not be closed down as a result of this merger.

While the proposed merger of Time Warner and Turner Broadcasting is one of the biggest and most complicated deals that antitrust officials have reviewed, the central issue it raises can be summarized in one word: access.

I can learn the person's social security number, occupation, the names and ages of the person's spouse and children, names of the person's names, the value of the person's home and property taxes paid on that home.

In the broad sense, our concern was that the merger of these two powerful companies would deny to competitors access to this amazing new broadband technology.

We will attempt to discern whether these inflated prices that consumers are seeing at the pump result from any violation of the federal anti-trust price laws.

Experience with claims of efficiency defenses... indicates that efficiencies are often exaggerated and, perhaps even more often, can be achieved through non-merger routes.