You can hear it's pretty active.

The glowing magma emerges like redhot toothpaste from a long, wide crack and then crawls into the Pacific, creating a tall, furious cloud of steam.

You can't say the fence is not intrusive.

I just haven't been able to really create the same look with paint that I do with the pen and ink.

It sort of looks like a place with the background filled in by buildings. And a lot of people say that it has a Dr. Seuss look to them. To me, they are just whimsical looking with colorful human archetypes that you can sort of read into them.

What we tend to read in the newspaper is that this is a political conflict, ... But it has become an existential conflict about Israel's right to exist as a Jewish and democratic state.

It's a great fear of many people that this is the logical result of some of the policies they have followed. I would like to think that's a situation that could be avoided.