Peak hunting periods coincide with dry season drought months, as vegetation is less dense and wildlife searching for watering holes are easier to hunt and locate. Hence supply peaks during times of hardship and constitutes an important drought and famine coping strategy for the majority in the rural areas surveyed.

If there was one thing I could see put behind us right now, it is the controversy at the housing authority.

Prompt an interest among local communities and landowners to invest in the sustainable management of the wildlife resource for meat production.

Among the majority of people, bush meat is recognized as a valued resource, ... In many areas, bush meat also represents the only viable source of meat protein, with domestic meat being prohibitively expensive and largely unavailable.

It's smart, insightful, funny and instructive.

There was enormous interest from publishers in this book. We met with numerous publishers and ultimately conducted a traditional literary auction.

I have been in contact with HUD on more than one occasion. I'm going to meet with them in the next few months, and I hope to gain a little more clarity as to what HUD expects of us.

Lots of times in the past few months, there have been things I would have liked to have said, things I felt needed to be said. I'm glad I didn't say them. There's been a political war out of this, and I'm glad I didn't participate in that war.

There was enormous interest from multiple publishers. It will be a complete and candid book.