The two things that many cherish and hold dear that I have found to be of little value or importance in my life would be -- getting credit for and being right.

We will never become what we could be by remaining as we are.

I have loved like a child collecting shells along the shore line, discarding one shell for another of seemingly more outward beauty with no knowledge of the pearls that were hidden within.

When you are done chasing the rainbow... given all of lifes disappointments and tribulations --all that may really be of any value is how we love and how we are loved!

If we could only share our hopes, our dreams, our disappointments, our fears, our achievements, and our discoveries.... the world would be a little kinder and a lot more forgiving.

In an information world where we all seem to have so much to say -- it is important to remember that sometimes we need to listen.

Art is the completion of what nature had always intended.

Everything I see in this existence tells me that we were created by the hand of a teacher. One that has left behind all the materials needed to inspire and complete our education.

Money, power, victory and success fade in the shadows as we take our last breath for the only thing we take with us is the same thing we leave behind -- how we love and we were loved.

I have been like a child walking along the shore line. Quickly discarding one sea shell for another of more outward beauty-- never to know the pearl within!

Most people would rather be certain they're miserable, than risk being happy.