"Rob Harper" is an English people/English musician, noted for being an early drummer for The Clash from December 1976 until January 1977.

More Rob Harper on Wikipedia.

We looked extensively at clustering solutions for our Microsoft Exchange 2000 environment, but we found that traditional clustering was both too complex and too costly.

You've got to look at very long-term impacts, with people out of their homes for months or years. The magnitude of the population displaced is very troubling. You look at 'OK, how many of our hospitals might be functioning?' There are pockets of New Orleans that still don't have power. Where do you move these people if you have to move them? We don't have answers right now.

We could see trees taken down that otherwise might not be damaged.

We were hopeful we'd get at least another 10 from the state. The people here were pleasantly surprised by the numbers the House added.