We have an ordinance now in place, and if someone brings forward a project that meets the wording of the ordinance and meets community expectations, I will have to move forward.

As far as I'm concerned, this campaign will be about the future, the next 20 years for the city, and not about the past, drumming up the things that have gone wrong and have been corrected or are being corrected.

They seem to have gotten into a horse race to see how fast they can get this grant done. I have a real concern with that. They've been so focused on moving ahead, they're unwilling to listen to others. ... (The proposal) has got a real hotel feel to it.

When it comes to this project, I'm rather disappointed. I don't think we're getting the best project we could have there.

I am not comfortable signing an agreement with the county that could set us up for incurred costs.

It seems like we're taking the hit all the way around.

Whatever they want would be better said in a public meeting with a record.

(Sarasota County commissioners) need to be thinking about more than round or square tables or what type of cookies there'll be.

Not changing the rules always got lost in the interpretation.