As the economy goes, so, too, goes job creation.

Inflation pressures are rising, but at a subdued pace.

So we don't get the gold medal in housing this year ? we have to settle for the bronze. There's still plenty of demand for housing in the U.S., even with the higher mortgage rates.

I believe that the housing market has moved from a boil to a simmer.

Consumers aren't knocking the cover off the ball. Their confidence isn't a grand slam, but they aren't striking out, either.

The big problem now is what does the Fed do with this. How does the Fed take the foot off the brake when you have stellar job creation and signs of increasing inflation?

This is Greenspan's last hurrah, the swan song for the big guy.

What economists see as half full, investors see as half empty.

The February drop in retail sales is not a sign that the economy is losing momentum. It is simply a payback for extraordinary numbers in January.