His work was generally superb.

Memory is the personal journalism of the soul.

Divorced, not loving their abandoned children as much as they loathe their former wives, directing a combination of need and hostility toward the women who drift in and out of their new lives, they are, as one character puts it, "involved in a variety of pharmaceutical experiments."

He was such a vivid character. And it was a character he made up - this slightly ghoulish, heavy-set man who made up jokes on his TV series.

You feel like it's not just a guy up there reading copy that people prepared for him to read. That's a good quality and increasingly rare in the television climate of our times. He's something a lot more than just a talking head.

There must be other figures who have broadened out in other fields, but not with her energy and focus. Working that hard maybe does something good for you.

Elia Kazan: A Biography.

That common cold of the male psyche, fear of commitment.

Leone provided that, primarily through stylistic devices, ... One of the things I like about Leone's Westerns is that he'll spend a very long time on the preliminaries to a gunfight. But then, once they exchange shots, it's very quick, much quicker than the typical walk-down in an American Western. All of that preparation is fabulous. It's kind of funny, and it's very suspenseful.