We will not stand by and let our consumers be exploited by profiteers looking to cash in on Hurricane Katrina.

Americans have always been there for one another, ... We're like a family. When one sibling is in need, it's up to the others to step up to the plate and help out. Today it's the Gulf Coast that needs help.

Clearly Bush has recognized that New Jersey public officials are battle tested.

Companies that prey on hard-working families through fraudulent practices should feel the full force of the law.

A year ago, everyone said this deal was impossible to get. Today, without question, New Jersey taxpayers have the best deal in NFL history.

Katrina was a devastating hurricane, not a financial windfall for the shameless.

More often than not, this rich stem cell source is discarded as medical waste after childbirth, ... This pioneering initiative will enable us to pursue all options -- umbilical, placental and embryonic -- and let science point the way to stem cell cures, offering hope to the millions of people that suffer from life-threatening conditions.

I think he's capable of governing and giving a smooth transition over to the next governor.

To pay the Devils not to play is both ludicrous and indefensible.