He's not oblivious to the fact that people in Washington will take note when he says something, especially something outlandish, but his primary audience is his listeners.

It complicates circumstances for foreign missionaries and Christian aid workers overseas who are already perceived, wrongly, especially by leftists and other leaders, as collaborators with U.S. intelligence agencies.

We believe that we have a rightful responsibility for what the Bible itself challenges, ... Working the land and caring for it go hand in hand. That's why I think, and say unapologetically, that we ought to be able to bring to the debate a new voice.

It has to be understood that the State Department, our government, needs to do a lot more to begin to seriously address what we think is the foremost human rights issue in the world today, namely the persecution of Christians.

An evangelical statement on climate change.

I certainly don't believe for an instant the guy is just a huckster.

We don't think it's a liberal cause.

The United States government has to do more.

I think Pat is basically driven to share God's love with people here and around the world. His whole career has been devoted to sharing the gospel and to helping needy people.