At that moment God said, 'Write the letter, and write it now.' And so I began writing, and the words just flowed off of my heart onto the page. I just began to write and write and write.

I had taken a step forward that I could never take back -- a regret that I couldn't change. How could I ever come back?

At the same moment when I was rolling that suitcase out the door, I was tossing God's truth out the window.

At the moment at which I admitted my sin and asked for God's forgiveness, He gave me the deepest level of understanding of mercy that I could ever have imagined.

What we weren't prepared for was the spiritual darkness that was everywhere around us. We would be driving down the street and see a band of voodoo people practicing right there.

It was like, 'Lord, I'll do all these with You, but You're not going to ask me to go there, are You? I mean, after all, I don't even know where he is.' But the Lord did.

I participated in it because those needs were so great in my life. There was such a hole in my heart.

What shocked me the most about our conversation was that he said, 'Penny, I know you're asking for forgiveness, but what you don't realize is that I forgave you a long time ago.' I couldn't believe it.

At that time I was making a lot of new friends, and some of those friends were outside of the church fellowship.