"Paula Corbin Jones" is a former Arkansas state employee who sued U.S. President Bill Clinton for sexual harassment. Clinton entered into an out-of-court settlement (law)/settlement, agreeing to pay Jones and her attorneys a total of $850,000, before the lawsuit was dismissed pre-trial (law)/trial on the grounds that Jones failed to demonstrate damages.

The Paula Jones case precipitated Clinton's Impeachment of Bill Clinton/impeachment. Charges of perjury and obstruction of justice were brought against Clinton based on statements he made during the depositions for the Jones lawsuit. The specific statements were about the nature of his relationship with White House intern Monica Lewinsky, with whom he denied having a sexual relationship.

More Paula Jones on Wikipedia.

No matter who the man is, nobody can treat you like this and use you and just throw you out the door like some piece of meat.

We care for our children. And the most important thing is that we want them to achieve the highest degree of success.

Did you have an extramarital affair with Monica Lewinsky?

They just pretty much clipped the cords on the computers and took all three of the towers and took one complete computer system.

We have a wonderful, wonderful group of teachers and staff. They are the best. Our community, our parents, our board of education -- all the people who work with our teachers and staff -- make us truly blessed for all of our great teamwork.

That's our biggest concern right now is that we did have everybody's personal information stored on our computers.

If Bill Clinton could have taken care of this a long time ago with a quiet apology, it would have been all water under the bridge ... He alone is responsible for the route it has taken.

It's really difficult for them to sit and do their work because they are some worried, concerned about where their next meal is coming from. Who's going to be home when they get home in the afternoon? Are they going to get to come to school the next day?

Previous perjured answers he gave under oath in a sexual harassment lawsuit.