I have a basic model ? if you avoid your fears, they increase. If you face them, they diminish.

The reason that small wineries only serve (so few retailers) is that it's as far as they know to go. We have more experience introducing new brands to the market.

Cheap headsets can land a company in hot water as the hearing protection is sadly lacking. A PC soundcard can often push four watts of sound into a headset. This has the potential to cause temporary or permanent hearing damage.

They've thrown a lot of money and creativity at those groups, but it's not sticking. It's a strong brand, but it's not where it should be.

Because Canada is so open to world trade and finance, we need to understand these changes so that we can manage our economy appropriately and take advantage of new opportunities.

So, the resolution of today's imbalances requires that these countries [emerging economies], too, contribute through stronger growth in domestic demand rather than exports.

The level of U.S. indebtedness to the rest of the world has more than doubled over the past five years to more than 25 percent of its GDP. These large imbalances are not sustainable over the longer run. No country, even one as big as the United States can keep increasing its external indebtedness as a share of its GDP. Ultimately, these imbalances will have to be resolved.

Canada may have to bear more than their fair share of the burden of resolving the imbalances. There is also the risk that protectionist measures could be taken worldwide, hurting all trading nations, including Canada.