It really gets complicated if this rate increase doesn't go through. If we don't get the rate increase, we can't make future payments. We'll have to go back to the table with the town to figure out how these payments are going to get made.

The question is, has (Conservative leader Stephen) Harper's apparently successful campaign in the first half ... inoculated him against that falloff.

We think the Tories (Conservatives) still have some upside potential.

The race is too tight to pick a winner.

People are excited about voting. It's very different from back home, where it's routine. People were all very pleased and relieved that it was going very smoothly.

I think Atlanta has finally hit an economic slowdown, ... For the longest time we've been above all that.

I was sleeping, all of a sudden, it was like it was thundering and lightning in our apartment. Then the whole building shook, our window broke, and there was water pouring in.

She's made a complete turnaround the last three weeks. I couldn't believe it, ... She's a big inspiration.

They have their backpack and their sleeping bag, and that's about it.