We have to assume that they are desperate.

When I was in Iraq, quite frankly I became disheartened with our government. I think our government wasn't doing enough to support our troops.

Hopefully, maybe this will open the eyes of some people that the penal system does have some problems.

Our team goal is to reach the league playoffs. After watching that jamboree, I think that's a reasonable goal.

It's a breath of fresh air, the volume and otherwise today (Wednesday).

It's one of the largest financial fraud cases to come out of the Pacific Northwest in a generation.

We joked about it often. It was just by downplaying ourselves and changing our hair color and such.

There are construction techniques that you can remove those walls, and lift them out, and set them in other locations.

I think it's reflective of the fact that the current congressman does not represent the views of the people of Bucks County.

This technique shortens the amount of treatment and the recovery time for the patient. People are able to resume most normal daily activities quickly, and there are no scars.

We want to get more people out to play golf. And one of the things that we do best is to teach them how to play. And it makes the game more fun if you can understand how to play golf a little better.

After 12 days of this treatment, he gave it up after he had been on the strike for over 140 days. You can draw some conclusions from that.

If I were Senator John McCain, I would be the angriest man in America today.

We joked about it often, but it really was just by downplaying ourselves and changing our hair color and such.

We saw some short-covering but also saw some large institutional buying. We saw a little retail buying but still not a rush of retail buying. We need to see more conviction before that happens.