Our operations in China are indistinguishable from any of the 84 countries where we operate, ... We've never had any problems with the Chinese government restricting what we were doing or any incidents where proprietary information was lost.

Human nature is the same everywhere in the world, ... The thought that there are lots of people with time on their hands to explore what the 20 million Internet users in China are doing is totally impractical.

I think the mind-altering effect and the fermentation process made it seem otherworldly. The red color also could represent fertility and fecundity of nature. In early religious texts, there's a lot of allusion to a well-tended vineyard.

I am hopeful that the scientific research done at the McGovern Institute for Brain Research can make significant contributions to advancing human learning and communication within the next 20 years.

It's very much the same process, although there is a lot more understanding of it. If you go back and look at (early records of wine making), they knew a lot from a very early period, and they used a lot of the same procedures.