In law enforcement, there's a time when you have to disassociate yourself from tragedy because if you can't, it'll destroy you, ... There's a point in an investigation where you're still working on it, but you have to keep things in perspective or you won't make it to retirement.

To that end, I ask that you order a regional analysis of the Northeast?s current and future needs for LNG. Such an analysis should have been the starting point of the FERC?s review of both the (Hess LNG) and KeySpan proposals.

Have the ability to pick the time and place of their choosing ... They have used swarm tactics and conducted a complex attack against civilians and Iraqi police officers.

The World Trade Center is not a place for domestic or international politics.

We have active and retired members who participated in the largest rescue in this nation's history, and they want that site respected for what it is.

We have a very deliberate process on how we work with those detainees.

Therefore, the actual needs of the Northeast region of the country are little more than speculation at this time.

What we've got to do is look at the individual that was indeed detained and what was he doing, regardless of what his profession is, ... That's a 'no'.

Although it is too early to tell if the AES proposal will meet the energy needs of this area while protecting those who will benefit from its product, even at this early point, it is abundantly clear that the FERC ought to allow some time so that interested parties can study this alternative, which seems extremely viable and which already has the initial support of Governor Romney.

This is a call for the people of the City of New York who lived through that tragedy . . . to stand up and say no.

I can only state again that I remain ever hopeful that that occurs, ... I believe they can supply answers which can help all of us get to the bottom of this.

This was the first use of the Iraqi air force.

The policy doesn't need to change. The policy that's in effect is the one that will stay in effect.

I?m saying wake up, ... Stop this process in its tracks and start with the basic elements. How many do we need in the region, and what are the best options?

It is imperative, in our perspective, that we drive a wedge between the insurgents and the Sunni population of Iraq . And having them actively involved in the political process is a way to drive that wedge.

They're not going to be leaving early as a result of the hurricane.

What was he doing that caused us to believe he was involved in suspicious activities? And then we will continue to work through our process to determine whether he should remain in detention, be released or transferred into the court system.

I, of course, am focused particularly to see whether or not criminal charges are appropriate.