It's not a University-run project.

Looks like granulated sugar of different sizes.

In-house reviewing our processes, comparing the donor records relating to the affected bags, reviewing records on our storage of the empty bags, full bags, you name it.

What the students didn't anticipate at the time is that interest rates in the last few years have gone way down. Now 6.8 percent as a fixed rate doesn't look so good.

We strongly disagree with the judge's ruling. We remain committed to sharing a great selection of toys at great prices for our Web site.

This relief effort is going to go on a long time. If they can't give blood or money or help now, they can give later on.

Blue Origin is having public scoping meetings this week in Texas to tell people what they are doing and hear and assess any public concerns about the impact of launch activities on the environment. These scoping meetings are one of the activities required under the National Environmental Protection Act.

From time to time in my metro column, to create the desired impact or slam home a salient point, I attributed quotes to people who didn't exist.

People want to go right now.