People are a little bit nervous, but the market looks like it's getting ready to take off.

People are concerned. You've got some unknowns out there.

Stocks have been racing forward nonstop. We've never seen anything like this before.

I think people expected Palm to carry the day. When 3Com took it on the chin a little bit, people were disappointed and started to take some profits.

It just seems to me that bonds were under pressure all day. Whether it's just buyers walked away or some type of [trading] strategy, the market has given a good performance.

This is a very healthy correction. It's been a consolidation phase of about 20 days -- minus the one day where we were up 250 points I certainly don't think this is the end of a bull market.

With the market's oversold condition, a small rally is expected. The extent has surprised everybody.

Maybe we were a little overbought after yesterday. That scared some people and they started taking profits ...With stocks trading at this level, people are looking for any excuse to worry.

Absolutely not. If it is not able to pay its own way, it will not continue to operate.

We just look at this as a way to do it more cost effectively.

The plants are hardy and acclimated to this area.

I get phone calls, believe me ... but it's still worth the impact.

We're trying to find out where people are going and where they've been.

There is an action pending in the state court.

A few years ago it seemed that would never happen. Now it seems never is pretty close.