One-time-use camera category has grown to be 218 million units annually and we expect it to account for 38 percent of total film volume in the U.S. in 2005. A simple and affordable one-time-use digital camcorder could spur growth in the digital video market in a similar way.

On a family vacation this summer we needed to get access. I said, 'O.K., let's drive around the beach with the window open.' We found a signal, and the owner of the network was none the wiser. It took about five minutes.

All those kids were shown that their hard work over the summer is already starting to pay off.

Before Apple's move, there were some players dipping their toes in the pool, but Apple was the guy that pushed everyone in.

We felt Tyler needed to be held accountable for what we could prove.

Depending on the bells and whistles, it could cost anywhere from [an additional] $2,500 to $25,000. In the new home environment, the prices will probably drop eventually, but there is always a market for very expensive homes.

Bell Atlantic has been somewhat of a leader as far as being a service provider for this.

I can't remember a meet with so many strong performances. Ashley looked strong and confident throughout the race.

The majority of home networks will continue to be multiple PC homes for the next two to three years.