I'm an Urban Scholar.

If you're a Wal-Mart of a Meijer you can draw the shoppers without using signs to advertise your specials, ... But when you're a little guy, you really depend on those signs.

A place for students to convene.

Basically, I say if you're going to build a student life center, and then you don't have enough money for it ... call it something else.

Just like Mark Snider told the Board of Elections within a couple hours of when he first became aware of it... first of all, Mike and I didn't even know anything about this till March 16, ... Second of all, nobody benefited from this in any way, shape or form whatsoever.

I saw that the county prosecuting attorney, Mike Nolan, was looking for an assistant county prosecuting attorney, ... I hadn't been to Athens before.

The special prosecutor basically supported what we had told the Board of Elections all along.

I think Tim being in the Guard is great. I hope all of my kids join the military. It teaches them discipline and respect.

When you're in the prosecuting attorney's office you're kind of a specialist. The civil responsibilities were one of the greatest learning curves I had to take on when I got into office.