It's been incredibly satisfying to see music lovers embrace the concept - we look forward to another summer of great music, food and wine in the best wineries.

The defense lawyers were offered protection and refused, ... So they can't have it both ways: They can't decline the protection they were offered and then say that the circumstances are unsafe.

If it happens again, ... the alarm will go off and I can get back there and take care of it.

Coming into our fifth year, we've come a long way from our first summer of two shows.

It felt like a regular landing, ... It felt less severe than a carrier landing, so I thought he did more than a miraculous job of setting it down just right.

An abdication to those who want to substitute anarchy instead of the rule of law.

A lot of things are going through my mind, ... My folks, wife, kids. All of those things enter your mind at some point when you start to realize the severity of your problem.