There was a time when I didn't think I'd go into the family business. But this is my life. And being out here, that's definitely my lifestyle.

I knew at that time this was in fact an attack. We knew that the World Trade Center was the target of a previous attack. And this was in fact another attack.

History may tell, or we may never know, if their actions on that morning saved lives, or they prevented potential terrorist acts, but I can say absolutely without a doubt that their actions eliminated that possibility.

A mother can terminate a pregnancy and the father has no say. On the other hand, a mother's able to make a unilateral decision to keep the child and saddle the father with 18 years of child support.

Over the past several years, the Atlas Design Group was instrumental in helping Blue Vase Securities successfully build its marketing image. In fact, Blue Vase Securities was ranked the largest Pittsburgh Area Securities Brokerage firm in 2005, according to the Pittsburgh Business Times.

Probably one of the most difficult moments of my life was the 11 minutes from the point I watched that aircraft when we first lost communications to the point that aircraft hit the World Trade Center.

What bothers me is suddenly there's this inherent distrust of the judiciary, ... Suddenly, we're blaming everybody we can blame.