Michael Kirk
FameRank: 5

"Michael John Kirk" is an award-winning documentary filmmaker and has produced more than 200 national television programs. A former Nieman Fellow in Journalism at Harvard University, Kirk was the senior producer of Frontline (U.S. TV series)/FRONTLINE from the series’ inception in 1983 until the fall of 1987, when he created his own production company, Kirk Documentary Group, based in Boston.

Kirk has won every major award in broadcast journalism, including three Peabody Awards, two Alfred I. duPont–Columbia University Award/duPont-Columbia Awards, twelve Emmy Awards, two George Polk Awards, and eight Writers Guild of America Awards.

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The WIPO is the world's premier organization for establishing norms for the protection of IP. In the patent field, its Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) permits an applicant to file a single patent application that can mature into a patent application in every designated member PCT country around the globe. This represents considerable savings for applicants filing in numerous countries.

Everybody made it out just fine.

We knew The Torture Question would be a timely subject.

I didn't see it coming, really. I thought I was playing defense most of the time. That's what I thought for the whole season. Then I just worked hard on the other side of the ball and now I got what I got.

You devastated two families, you damaged a community's sense of safety and you destroyed your own and your parents' hope for the future.

It does seem to be splitting hairs.

Users are beginning to question whether the WIPO has gone too far in the extent to which it is using these fees to cover the costs of the rest of the organization. In addition, the climate in the organization has changed in recent years, in that it has become more politicized. The staff has doubled, to 938, and governments are asking whether the new additions are qualified and really necessary.