You get the pretty images due to the light hitting the defects in the materials.

I haven't even asked headquarters to ship stuff; they just know we need it and they send it.

I'm still trying to figure out what makes this happen.

Lean red meat contains stearic acid and monounsaturated fats, which do not raise cholesterol. So the total cholesterol-raising fat in lean red meat are not that much different from chicken and fish.

[O]ne question demands to be asked: Does he ever fantasize about running for president?

It is unfortunate that Idaho has been down for the last 4-5 years. It happens. It's cyclical. Note the glorious Huskies. It's bad enough to have your team lose without having them kicked while they're down with an illogically-written column by a mediocre sportswriter with a chip on his shoulder stuck in Everett. Get a life.

A knowledge economy doesn't mean producing doctorates, although there is a perception that higher-level skills drive the economy. It's too simplistic to say that one follows the other. There is no belief at the OECD that the production of advanced degrees is a formula for economic success.

They would realize that we were going to lose. It would be in their self-interest to align themselves with the winning side.

Scientific images are very artistic, and we wanted to present the artistic merit of science.