A lot of people from a distance away, a couple of blocks away, approached us, but we only accepted people who were directly affected.

I think the parole board is acting irresponsibly and outrageously. The doctor in the prison keeps telling us, 'What can I do to get him out? He shouldn't be in here.

We'll be notifying them about our position, and we expect that they'll reconsider.

After all, 88 percent of the Americans polled by MSNBC News said Dr. Kevorkian should be freed from prison.

It would be a terrible miscarriage of justice if they're convicted.

These people have been put through a living hell and they've been stressed out -- financially, physically and mentally.

Jack said it shows the trend, and the trend is toward legalizing assisted suicide.

We're not through, believe me.

He asked for a single cell and said he didn't want any place further than Jackson.