The problem is Florida voters keep saying eight years, but the legislature is hearing 12 and 24 years. They're just not hearing the voters who cast their ballots by a solid 77% margin in favor of eight-year term limits, so we decided to help their hearing.

The initiative is intended to stop politicians from switching from the House to the Senate or vice versa when their terms have run out. Right now we don't have real term limits because politicians can defeat the spirit of the law by playing political musical chairs.

Polls show that voters still support the current term-limits law, but lawmakers aren't listening. We are buying them hearing devices that have powerful amplifiers, so they truly can hear the voice of the voters.

The voters have already decided that eight is enough. The people of Florida voted almost 77 percent in favor of term limits in 1992. The Supreme Court unanimously upheld that decision. The legislature's move to extend term limits is outrageous.

In speeches to groups across the state I have made the point that lawmakers have delivered a slap in the face to citizens who voted overwhelmingly in favor of eight-year term limits in 1992. Now lawmakers are running from their decision.

We are speaking to groups throughout the state, reminding them to vote 'NO' to weakening term limits. This ballot initiative has been tainted from the start. The outcome will be meaningless because the electorate has been presented with a deceptive question.

Most ballot initiatives are required to spell out the issue for voters in the title. Not this one. Rather than asking voters if they want to extend term limits from 8 to 12 years, the title of this measure reads simply 'Term Limits.'

We are winning the war against career politicians. They are backing down under fire as they usually do.