Year after year their hearts and homes have opened to those bereaved who came here in sad pilgrimage. Out of such humanity we see the power love has to transcend even the most appalling evil.

Irish Fest is known at home in Ireland as one of the biggest and most popular celebrations of Irish culture anywhere in the world.

Very special credit is due to the legendary Ed Ward, Founder and President of Irish Fest and to Jane Anderson, Director of Irish Fest. You both head up a remarkable team and deserve huge credit on this landmark birthday.

Whatever changes the new era brings, whatever new pathways we take, I am sure that our special relationship with America - forged in adversity, will not change.

We are a vibrant first-world country, but we have a humbling third-world memory.

This child who talks about scattering the seeds of peace over our land has told us from his grave we have to renew and recommit ourselves no matter how much provocation, no matter how much hurt, no matter how much bitterness or anger.

People with disabilities have abilities too and that is what this course is all about - making sure those abilities blossom and shine so that all the dreams you have can come true.

A life quenched in an untimely manner is always sad, the life of a young person quenched, whatever the circumstances, troubles us deeply. If that death arose through suicide that sense of loss is compounded inexorably. TS Eliot's evocative words serve to underline that awful sense of loss for the potential that was never allowed to fully blossom, for all that might have been but wasn't to be:.

May your acceptance of this tremendous burden of service bear fruit in our world. May God give you strength for these new cares.