It's an incredibly abundant site. This is an industrial site that at one time had been a very loud, very dirty place. But now, it has almost a ghostly sense about it.

It would have to be controlled and not be for people to wander in and out of. He's interested in sharing the history of the place with people. The site is an incredible place for learning.

There are many, many different stories. This could be a fabulous historic site. With the nice concentration of Fort Laramie, the Oregon Trail ruts and the Sunrise Mine, I think this could be a really good heritage tourism area. There is enough here for a special trip to these places for tourists.

When you walk through the site, you see the industrial side of it with all the buildings and just imagine how people worked there, and of course the company town part of it. The houses, the clotheslines and things people planted -- it's really kind of a ghostly feeling as you walk through the town. You can imagine what life was like.

Being enrolled in the National Register of Historic Places is an honorific designation. It means the site has been studied and deemed significant in American history and culture.

This mine was very important.

The company town and ethnic history with so many ethnic groups that lived at Sunrise were really a big influence on Hartville and Guernsey. We had to research the history of the mine and mining town and then do a very intensive survey of the site itself.