A size 8, size 9 boot, one kick and this door comes open. If you have metal frames and she does have a two-inch dead bolt, you'll have to kick in four or five times, make a lot of noise to come in on a metal frame.

Burglars and bad guys don't like noise. Silence is their friend. They don't want to see lights. They don't want to see noise.

So don't have big bushes in your front yard where crooks can easily hide behind? Absolutely. But especially the back of the house and side of the house.

Burglars aren't stupid. They make a living doing bad things to people's houses and belongings, and they sell them for about one tenth of what they're worth. So they have to do three or four a day.

I myself don't like doggy doors. It's just another opening for someone to get in. Even that small? Even that small.