The survey came back and told us we didn't have an image. In the 1993 time frame we were generating about $8 billion in software and still no one thought of IBM as a software company.

We do have content through Burger King that the customers are able to view if they want to. Burger King has been the first and only available literally almost for two weeks.

The customer will have the opportunity to view what they want. A network security set up in our office has numerous safeguards against spam. Sprint also offers a service which allows access to live broadcasts such as ABC News and the Discovery Channel that features live television advertisements.

The thing with cross country is that it is your top five that determine how you finish in a meet. We finished seventh, which is not where we'd like to be, but overall we were pretty good.

We immediately went into a code red lockdown. That basically kept all of the students in their second-period class until we could get all of the agencies here.

What we sell is less glitzy than a Microsoft. But we make the world's best pipes and internal plumbing, and at the end of the day it is the plumbing you can't see that makes all the difference to running an online enterprise. What Microsoft sells by comparison is fixtures.