Lowell Smith
FameRank: 4

"Lowell Herbert Smith" was a pioneer United States/American airman who piloted the first airplane to receive a complete mid-air refueling (along with Lieutenant/Lt. John P. Richter) on June 27, 1923, and later set an endurance record of 37 hours on August 28, both in a De Havilland DH-4B. Smith also piloted the Douglas World Cruiser Chicago, which along with one other made the first aerial circumnavigation in 1924. Smith held 16 records for military aircraft in speed, endurance and distance. He was awarded the best achievement in flight Mackay Trophy twice.

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Phil was right there helping. I couldn't ask for better neighbors.

There will be some inconvenience, but no closure.

They've done a great job at it. I don't think this will be their last film. They are not a one-trick pony. These kids have some real skills.

The water was dripping almost to the counter.