"Leon Wieseltier" is an American writer, critic, amateur philosopher and magazine editor. From 1983 to 2014, he was the literary editor of The New Republic. He is currently a contributing editor and critic at The Atlantic.

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No great deed, private or public, had ever been undertaken in a bliss of certainty.

Why should I admire somebody for his ability to manipulate me? In other realms of life, this talent is known as demagoguery.

Incorruptibility by money is the old story, ... Now it's incorruptibility by media.

For all its vanity about its own courage, the film is afraid of itself. It is soaked in the sweat of its idea of even-handedness. The death of innocents was an Israeli mistake but a Palestinian objective.

The effort was to summon to the bosoms of her personnel the sort of man that Barrows likes to call "nice." Nice meant rich.