Klaus Kleinfeld
FameRank: 4

"Klaus Konerko Kleinfeld"/Bremen, Germany) is chief executive officer (CEO) of Alcoa Inc., and former CEO of Siemens AG.

In August 2007, Kleinfeld was appointed COO of Alcoa Inc.[http://www.alcoa.com/global/en/news/news_detail.asp?pageID=20070815005503en&newsYear=2007 Alcoa: News: News Releases: Klaus Kleinfeld Elected Alcoa President and Chief Operating Officer]

Beginning 1 October 2007 he oversaw the operative business for the US Aluminum concern. In May 2008, Kleinfeld was appointed as CEO of Alcoa, thus succeeding Alain Belda.

Kleinfeld was CEO of Siemens AG from 2005 until July 2007. On 25 April 2007 Siemens AG distributed a press release announcing that Kleinfeld was not available for a renewal of his contract. This was preceded by the supervisory board's indecisiveness in light of the ongoing corruption investigations at Siemens.

He started his career in 1982 by joining a specialized marketing consulting firm and worked with clients like Siemens, Henkel, Citibank, EFFEN, and industry associations.

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The first quarter demonstrates that Siemens' business portfolio delivers strong growth on the combination of innovative solutions, strong presence in growth markets and acquisitions.

We do what needs to be done to achieve our earnings targets.

If you look to the rest of the world, you can roughly add another 3,000.

Only successful businesses can secure and create jobs.

We do what needs to be done to achieve our earnings targets, ... Only successful businesses can secure and create jobs.

It comes down to the long-term stability of this corporation.

We can see light at the end of the tunnel.

We can only stay a technology leader if we continue to invest in innovation, which we will.

Nothing is sacrosanct and nothing is carved in stone so nobody should assume that they have the right to live with us for ever.