Word of mouth is very important for a unique show like Avenue Q , and that's something that we can achieve in Las Vegas much easier than we would going into the roadhouses.

Audiences and critics love Avenue Q. We look forward to sharing it with theatre audiences around the world.

Musical theater is a broad, big tent of an art form.

Nowhere else but in Las Vegas can they build custom-made theaters for specific shows.

If we think it works, in the future we might implement it.

I don't have the answer until we look at it in a rehearsal room. But we're not going to do anything that will hurt us.

It's a completely new musical comedy that plays with form. As a result, you don't have any source material, except the invention of how you can create magic in the theater.

I am on day-one of my journey of what's going to happen to 'Avenue Q' next. I know, like the show, it will be delightful and surprise people.