I can't imagine after yesterday.

Show your child that having an education is important; especially with things today, they have to have education after high school.

We can always do better.

Larger companies have divisions that all of a sudden have value now after this bear market. Nobody would have been interested in a semiconductor company a year ago.

I work at Ouachita. I clean tables. I do everything.

[A steady stream of job applicants filled out applications to work for Fed Ex.] I've only seen one person so far not from Detroit, ... I'm not sure a lot of people from Katrina are ready to put down roots here.

(Then) our daughter said they just opened a PetSmart and we were excited. We live in Grapeland so we'd have to go to Tyler or Conroe (otherwise).

The apples are riper. Tech companies going public are more established compared to the ones at the time of the bubble.

There's a good mix. What could be better? It's fantastic. It's the economy. It tells you something about the health of the market.