Hopefully people will step up to the plate within the 90 days. They won't be trained to take over, but if somebody says they'll do it, we'll look elsewhere for the training.

[But supporters of the new regulations say they will lead to open discussions.] We are being very brave. We are brave enough to have all areas discussed, ... Students will be informed and not indoctrinated.

We're not requiring anything to be done. What we're doing in Kansas is allowing freedom of ideas, that are scientifically based, to be discussed in science class.

We are being very brave. We are brave enough to have all areas discussed, ... Students will be informed and not indoctrinated.

So they really think... serious criticism of evolution is a joke.

[But supporters of the new regulations say they will open discussions.] We are brave enough to have all areas discussed, ... Students will be informed and not indoctrinated.

It sucked our hair straight up. I'm here to tell you, whoever did that movie 'Twister' has got it down.