We work on upper body strength, balance, coordination and following directions, ... These kids are different when you see them on a horse. Children with autism, for example, usually have a hard time listening and go into their own world. But when they get on the horse, they look at you, they respond, they listen to directions.

He is not only very approachable and amicable.

I agree we have a responsibility as a community to help those who find themselves in need. At the same time, in order to be successful, we feel that your public agency, as the lead in this project, needs to communicate effectively with the existing neighborhood in which it is being created.

That means they ride, they groom, and they can stay there and eat lunch, ... It's not a quick run-in where you take a ride and leave; it's a day trip for the students.

We can walk and help lead, but only the people who are certified can help people on and off the horse.