"Karen Thomas" co-hosted The $1,000,000 Chance of a Lifetime from the second season onwards and filled in as a guest dealer on the Bob Eubanks version of Card Sharks for a week in late 1988 while regular dealer Lacey Pemberton was on maternity leave.

More Karen Thomas on Wikipedia.

I have never worked for or with a man or a woman who puts their heart and soul into what she does like Sheryl does.

The kitchen was making £300 a week before and this has gone up to £900.

You can never really predict who comes in or what they will need.

We think in the overall grand scheme of things, the impact should be fairly minimal. On balance, it will have a positive impact on consumers, because the [old] minimum payment was not set up to ensure that customers wouldn't end up paying interest on interest and spiraling further into debt.

Our position has always been that the focus should be on suspicious activities. Rely on the banks to use their knowledge and expertise when they see something suspicious to report it and file a suspicious activity report.

I'm noticing fewer buyers, and I know some people are holding out to see if prices will drop.

This series takes a laugh-and-learn approach to learning something new about your body, as well as something practical that you never thought you could do.