They came to see that family need not be defined merely as those with whom they share blood but for those for whom they would give their blood.

All that stuff was fun, but I'm glad we didn't rethink the show. It is what it is, a throwback that isn't like anything else out there. It has that deliberate, artificial feel to it. It's something from the soundstage era. People haven't seen that for a while, so it seems fresh. It came along at the right time.

Run! When she wrote about me, I was the clown who cried, and you'll be the costumer who cried. 'Oh, poor William! Fourteen houses and no boyfriend!

I'm not going to wear this in the show, ... Have you met my finger puppet Melvin?

Politically, I don't give a damn.

Yes, it's throbbing, ... And I mean that in the nicest possible way.

It's hard to top this. There is no bigger deal in jazz.

She's very proud. She's proud because she's pregnant and she's proud because she exists exceptionally well despite her disability.