Reservoir in the wild.

People look for their leaders to show progress. And they look at mayors as people who solve problems. When they see someone who can show progress as mayor of a big city, they respect that.

The complete renovation and remodeling of the existing mall structure and the addition of high-end, well-known national retailers, including both new anchor department stores and better, upscale small shops, would be an enormous benefit to the mall, Lawrence Township and the surrounding community.

While families wouldn't have to pay any more, the state is making up the difference. That would be a great role of state government this year.

Now it's an excuse so that people can be late. I think it's become a crutch.

Bats are critical to wildlife habitats, ... They're very important for insect control, seed dispersal, and pollination.

It is infectious between people and it quickly became the first global pandemic of this century, mainly due to global travel.

We continue to be excited about our growing support in Montgomery County and the grassroots organization that is already working hard on Martin's behalf.