California does not have a revenue problem. California has a spending problem. Tax revenues are at all-time highs. All the things you hear about how this will decimate Nevada are untrue.

We run the risk of (wealthy residents) leaving the state or changing their behavior to avoid this tax.

I would say Chris is a very intelligent, aggressive tax advocate, and it would be great if every community had someone like him.

As a matter of policy, we never like mandatory insurance.

Reasonable people can distinguish relatively benign informational activity from political advocacy. In the famous of words of (former Supreme Court Justice) Potter Stewart: It's like pornography - you know it when you see it.

That's outrageous. They're already paying for it.

Most property taxpayers understand intuitively that 'revisiting Proposition 13' is code for doing away with the protections that provide security to homeowners.

At the end of the day, this is public money.

It's precisely the wrong direction to take. I'm befuddled by this because this was a governor who had recognized that pension costs are unsustainable for taxpayers.