I don't believe in carrying it.

I definitely stress comfort. Try on several. One will shine as more comfortable. Also, try on several from different companies because they all have different ideas of what feels good.

It took us seven years to saturate Northern California.

Any overlay district throws up a red flag for concern and always affects value. When you have to tell people that it's in a contaminated overlay, it's going to kill you.

The game we have to be ready for is SMU. These games are kind of like learning experiences. We moved up one step on Monday. If we can move up another step on Sunday, I'll like where we are at.

I've been with the court for 19 years and I would have never imagined seeing case filings this high.

Great area for a hide! Thanks Bill and Ellen for all your great hides ... I feel like an explorer chasing down the sites and history the two of you put together!